Unity 3D - Second Level

To make the game longer and more enjoyable, I have added a second level. Due to my inexperience with modelling software and with access to the Unity asset store, I decided to purchase and download a horror pack for the second level (HE Abandoned Hospital by Artur G.). 

I used the assets created to make the scene the way I wanted. There were a few things that needed tweaking:

1. Textures

There were some textures around the map that simply were an image that read "EDIT TEXTURES!", so of course I edited them. I decided to keep it simple and keep the abandoned theme going by simply having dirty, cracked textures. As if the paintings/pictures in the world had rotted or corroded away, leaving blank and dull spaces.

2. Sections on Awake

Some sections of the map would not automatically be active on the start of the scene, clearly as a method to save on frame rate and performance, as there are triggers around the level to enable and disable them. However, based on where I was I needed all areas to be active, but this was easily changed in a script where I had to set a bool to active.

3. Triggers

Some triggers did not seem to work correctly. After trying to fix them, and failing every time, I decided to disable them instead and just keep the game a little more simple but at least functioning. 

4. Completing the Game

On the doors to the level, I had to add a box collider trigger so that when the player entered it, a screen with a completion message appears, then delivers the player back to the main menu.

I decided to add a second NPC to my game in this level. With more time I would have tried a slightly different AI system/character, but in order to keep the game functioning, I used the same NPC from the first level, obviously adjusting elements such as the destination points to fit the world. 

Another decision I chose to make is not having any HUD elements in this scene. There is no HUD so the player is all alone with the game world and that's it. It immerses the player a little more in a more detailed level. 

I had to include another gameplay element in this scene but wanted it to be slightly different. It is still a collect mechanic, but the player has no help. The object to collect is a key, and it has no light near it and no HUD display to know you have all the keys (there is only one). The only indicator appears if the player tries to leave the door without it - a message appears reading, "Exit Locked Find the key.".

To create the mechanics, I simply copied my scripts for collecting the notes from the first level, changing the names of the scripts, objects, functions...and applying them to the relevant objects.
