Build 1.0 - Testing and Fixing

After the first build of my game I had a few run-throughs of the game to find any issues or bugs with the game.

1. Can't reach a note.
There was a note next to some barrels that the player couldn't reach. I moved the barrels to allow the player to get through

2. Cursor doesn't reappear on death.
When the player died or needed the cursor to appear for UI elements, it wouldn't. I created a second cursor script that starts the scene with the cursor on. It is the opposite to the one I created previously. I placed this 'cursor on' script in scenes where the cursor must be on from the start. I placed the 'cursor off' script on scenes where the cursor must be off from the beginning. 

3. When the timer ends, the screen cuts to game over screen but without the text or buttons, and the player must ALT+F4 to do anything.
I looked at the script and it showed that the level should reload. However, the script was outdated, so I updated it to SceneManager.LoadScene(); but instead of loading the same scene again, I changed it so that it loads the game over scene. This is more polished as it doesn't just reload the level with no indication of what happened.

4. Timer countdown goes low then fast then normal... (very inconsistent).
The timer would work fine and would work after the specified time. However, the visual countdown  (numbers, not the bar) was not working properly. It would go much slower. For example, the red bar was near the bottom (about 20 mins in) but the timer still said I had 17 minutes left...which was just not true. After looking into it, I could not find the fix for it. In the end it was easier for me to just remove the counter. It didn't affect the gameplay or experience at all either, as there is still the linear bar timer to give players a visual feedback about their time remaining. 

5. I wanted to know how many notes I had left to find.
I got really frustrated with my own game because there was no way of knowing how far left I had to go. There was no way of tracking how many notes to collect. This needed to change. I liked that the player has no direct text telling them the objective. The player must figure it out, but something needed to be added. So I created a script for the count of notes. It tracks how many notes are left in tandem with my note collection script. Here it is:

I also had to edit the script on the UI notes panel game object, in order to disable the notes count UI element after the notes were all collected:
