Bugs and Issues throughout the project:
1. UV Overlaps
Throughout development I was aware of an issue with some of the UV maps overlapping on the assets I had downloaded for level one. After meeting with my supervisor and discussing how to fix this, it was clear that this would take a lot of work.
I opened up Blender and began to unwrap and relax the vertices and maps. However, due to my inexperience with the software and how the modelling process works, I really struggled with this. Every time I tried to fix it and would think that I had, when looking in Unity, the lighting was even worse, with errors stating that something else was wrong. After looking into it I found no easier or alternate solution. After sticking with it a little I finally decided that I was not going to be able to fix this. I felt like I had more important things to be getting on with, that would help improve the game overall.
There are 55 assets, which in total isn't a terrible ratio, that have overlapping UVs. This is not game-breaking, but does affect the lighting in certain areas.
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