Unity 3D Level Design

I have found a great tutorial that is really applicable to my project for world building in Unity.

Unity 3D Level Design by Alan Thorn

This tutorial series guides people to creating the objects, mapping the player area and even goes into detail about line of sight and animation.

Modular Level Building

The tutorial gave me some models to work with rather than just using cubes and planes from Unity's standard assets. This helps me a lot as the models are excellently fitted for my game with arched hallways creating an old, almost Victorian style building.

Modular building is very easy in Unity, using 'V' for vertex snapping and shaded wireframe view. It lets me create a level extremely fast and allows me to experiment with different shapes and level design.

Very easily and in a relatively short amount of time, I have created more of a level...

...but I will need to continue in order to make a much more interesting and immersive experience.

Here is one section of the map completed:

A second section complete:

The final sections/s of the map connect so I have called it section three but it could be considered as two sections:

Here are all the sections complete together with the map complete in terms of modular level building:
